Tuesday, September 1, 2015

PSA: To Anyone Trying to Put a Toddler to Bed

Melatonine.  Routine. Warm milk.  Soft voices.  Dim lights.  Exhaustion.  Tranquilizer.

We've tried it all to get the boys to RELAX.  Sometimes it works, most of the time it doesn't.  I have fallen asleep on Captain America twin sheets more times that I would like to admit.  These two have a talent, and it is impossible to describe.


"The Rabbit that Wants to Fall Asleep" is my new drug of choice for Bunny A and Bunny B.

I believe I hypnotized those two little rabbits, and I am CELEBRATING (wine and Netflix).  The Amazon reviews are mixed, I didn't care.  You know what else is mixed, my patience and emotions every night.

Now, I didn't just read the story, I thought about how I was going to manipulate and outsmart a 2 and 3 year old.  Bunny A will do ANYTHING to stay awake; flopping, hopping, flipping, clicking, faking injuries, claiming a monster is eating his toes (the performance is believable).  Then, there is Bunny B, he does whatever Bunny A does.  How am I going to do this?  They have blackout curtains (tried to trick them into thinking it was dark), I use my most threatening voice...the list goes on.

Then it came to me...
W: Jack and Ford, the Rabbit has a book he wants to send you guys tonight!
J: Really?
W: Yes!  But, you HAVE to be in BED, and I have to send the Rabbit a picture of you in bed before he will text it to me.
JUDGE AWAY...I deserve it.

We ate dinner, bathed, put our pjs on, and I kept talking to the Rabbit on the phone.  Just, you know, letting him know we were getting close.


They both jumped right into bed.  I began this story, following the rhythm just as the directions said.  They were asleep within pages!  Correction, Ford was asleep within pages.  I lost my cool and started laughing, which made Jack start laughing in his sleep, which woke him back up.  Regardless, three pages later, he was out again.  It is a miracle.

Buy the book.  Cheers and good night! 


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