Monday, September 8, 2014

When Colic Strikes

The month of October was storybook: easy labor, healthy baby, smooth transition, then it happened.

I knew what it could mean, but I was hopeful.  Maybe I ate something?  Maybe I shouldn't drink milk by the gallons?  The laws of colic rushed into my head:  three hours per night, three times a week for THREE WEEKS.  Well, we got more than we bargained for; three hours per night, seven days a week for four and a half months.

Blame colic for the lack in posting to the blog.  I do.  Six and a half months later I am finally recovering.

Colic is real, and I don't know if I buy "kind of colicky".  With that being said, many days I wished I could describe Ford as "kind of colicky".  Instead, when people would ask how he was doing, I would respond with something like "on a scale from good baby to bad baby, we have a BAD baby."  I spent my days anticipating the evening spell, and my evenings with hope that tomorrow could be better.

Austin and I were quite the team at combatting colic.  Actually, we never mentioned the word or complained to each other.  I am not patting us on the back, we were a classic case of denial.  If we didn't acknowledge the torture, it wasn't happening.

A typical colicky evening looked something like this:

5:30 pm - Rush home, whip up dinner and force colic drops down Ford
6:00 pm - Eat in shifts while playing man to man, one get the screamer, the other guards the toddler.
6:15 pm - (Yes, we ate in 15 minutes) Bath time - 45 minutes minimum
7:30 pm - Walk the neighborhood.  It was pitch black, cold and windy…perfect in our opinion.
8:45 pm - The crying stops and we exhale.

If you or your child had/has colic, hug your mother and remember this too shall pass.

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